Healing Relaxation for Children and Adolescents
Support for faster dissolution of schocks and negative stress. Every child is different, as characterized by their background, environment, temperament, desires, and individual management of the situations in their life.
As parents we are always expected to give our best for them, down to the shirt off our back or our last penny in the event that someone has treated them inappropriately. Everything conceivable is done to give children a protected home, with all the love and care necessary for that.
We support them where we can, whether in school, piano, dance, or sport lessons. We teach them to discover the world, to think it over, to create their own opinions, and to enter into contact and communication in an open and understanding way with others.
The more they grow up, the more they sense a desire for independence and self-determination: with that, it is totally unimportant to them if, for our taste, they are too young for some things.
In general children test their borders to the greatest possible extent and, depending on the prevailing temperament of the child, accept their limits well or less well. The dynamic of loving, supporting, prohibiting and forgiving is a continuous game which is best played as a team. How would it be if we were to support our child in this endeavor so that they can better sense and deepen access to their own potential, personal worth, and love for themselves? If access to the maintenance of lightness, happiness, and interest in life exists, this door is only found in ourselves and we must step through it.
This relaxation exercise supports children and adolescents in discovering their inner radiance. Through frequencies in the recording, vibrations in the child’s soul are created that help make unbiased, playful experience and learning possible through the resonance of an open heart.
Listen to a sample:
Created & Narrated by: Yashi Kunz
Music: Christopher Franke
Total playing time: 21:18min
Format: mp3 download